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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1193c140.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-08  |  304KB  |  698x948  |  8-bit (227 colors)
Labels: book | crt screen | encyclical | monitor | sky | skyscraper | vegetarianism | windowpane
OCR: THE ONEY RANKINGS HAME 1993 threr -yoA PIAME 1993 K three -year MAME 1993 ain ualird Foer Rid gain Risk Feturm level CVE teturn leve Washington Mutual LInvesiors 4LT Dreylus Capital Valie A (Premier) 10 Keysinna Amarics Equity- Tilestrole Basie Valre Eaton Vance Equity-Income Keystone Custodian 1- Wesicore Modern Valur Equit Eaton Tance Investors Ary Hiddler Peabody Asset Allucation B EAl Flex Kidder Peabody Equity-Income A Eclipse Financial Asset Balanced 15 Landnarl Balanced COF FlWo Dnersilier Liberty Equity-l -lncome Wright Evergreer Foumdatioa Avg Mackenie Horth Ameritat ! Total Return MainsStar Total Return FBL Ilanaged Mlanagers Ralanced EQUITY TOTAL RETURN ontarian Balanced AWI Managers Incame Equiry CATECORYAVERAGE teder i Stock & Bonid Avt KAS Balanced Aetna Fund Fidelity Advisor ...